Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ch. 4 Early Christian

As we have discovered, each new time period they adapt certain styles from the time before.  Romans adopted form Greek, and Early Christian adopted certain things from the Roman culture.  One of the things that was adopted was the giant domes from the Roman period.  Christian was considered an underground religion during this time and they needed a secret place to worship in groups.  The Roman temples that were already created were not designed to hold group worships.  In these new baptisteries that were created, they had many new types of architecture such as clerestory windows.  An example of this would be:
   Now a days we have taken this form, but modernized it so it wouldn't be so "churchy".  They might look like this now.

Another thing that was adapted from this time period was the chests they used for storage space.  A lot of the other furniture was similar to Roman furniture but they were updated with wood and jewels and even more detail.  An example of some furniture from this period would be: 

Modern day chairs are now used as dining chairs. Similar to these: 

Response to Jessica's and John's Blog:
Jessica's blog gave a great description on how the Christians struggled during this time period. It amazes me how nowadays Christian is sometimes considered the dominant religion and has been considered that way in the past, but now we see where the Christians were shunned and it was declared illegal to practice. Johns blog had a great discussion about the symbols they used to spread Christianity and how these symbols were portrayed in artwork.  He also did a good job comparing them to how we see these symbols today.

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