Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Similar to the Romanesque time period, the Islamic period was a very religious time period.  While before, they were practicing in Churches, now they were building grand Mosques to practice in.  The Mosques were a huge place for groups to worship and were being created because of Mohammad.  Mohammad's farm was the first recognized mosque and and set precedent to all the other mosques.  They usually contained a courtyard, perimeter wall, and a covered wall of columns.  There are a few mosques that stood out most noticeably, they are the Great Mosque of Kairouan in North Africa, Mosque of Sultan Ahmed in Turkey, and the Taj Mahal of India.  First off, the the Great Mosque of Kairouan was located in Tunisia, North Africa.  This mosque had columns of horseshoe arches lined on the exterior walls of the building.  Also had about 115 feet tall minarets that went up to three stories high.
Nest, the Sultan Ahmed of Istanbul, Turkey.  This was also known as the "blue Mosque".  These mosques are different from other stages of religious buildings because they lighter in color and specialize in texture rather than dark, rich colors.  The interiors are more bright instead of rich with gold and bronze.  There were so many different elements put into this building including over 20,000 types of tiles.
Lastly, the Taj Mahal  located in Agra, India was created and designed because a distraught emperor missed his favorite wife.  It is one of the most famous mosques that was built during this time period.
All of the mosques were generally designed with lots of minarets,arches, and geometric tiles.  The coloring schemes were lighter than the Byzantine and Romanesque time periods.   There are current applications seen throughout homes nowadays:

Some furniture based on the Islamic time period.
The legs of this table are similar to the arch designs
in some of the mosques that were built.

This video is a short video of the Alhambra palace which was also built during this time period and carries a lot of key features similar to the other mosques.

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