Monday, February 24, 2014



The Gothic time period was very similar to the Romanesque time period with lots of influences from the arches.  While the Romanesque period had more of a rounded arch, Goth arches were more pointed. The churches were intended to look like heaven and light, while in Romanesque the churches were thick, dark, and heavy.

Romanesque Arch
Different Styles of Arches
Also during this Gothic time period, there were key features that were introduced such as: the pointed arch, ribbed vault, and fly buttress.  They had tall windows with stained glass and many other decorative features.  One of the things I thought most interesting was that gargoyles were introduced during this time period.  They were part of the architecture and represented warding away the demons from the churches. 
Example of ribbed Vault
Flying Buttresses
Lastly, many cathedrals were being built with these styles.  Some of the most famous cathedrals with this style of architecture are St. Denis from France, Notre Dame at Chartes,  Notre Dame at Paris, Wells Cathedral and many more. Modern styles of Gothic furniture and rooms exampling these styles are shown below.

St.Denis Cathedral

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