Sunday, February 16, 2014

Response to Islamic Design

I read Emily's and Lindsay's blogs about Islamic design.  Emily's blog had some good opinions about the Taj Mahal. It is one of the most amazing and popular structures built today.  The features in this building are so extravagant and detailed.  Emily had some great descriptions on the design of the place and how it commits to a true Islamic design.  Lindsay did a great job of describing the key interior features from this time period.  She mentioned the horseshoe arcs, ogival arcs, and muqarnas-filled niches and domes.  She also mentioned the detail in the Mosque by Sultan Ahmed, which was crazy designs.  There was over 20,000 tiles put into the dome.  Both of these blogs hit the key features from the Islamic time period.  Many magnificent mosques were built and were the models for certain buildings today.  Overall, Islamic design gave great influence to some of the buildings we have today.

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