Monday, February 10, 2014


Inspiration held from the Byzantine and Ancient Rome periods created the Romanesque.  They took the barrel forms of buildings from the Roman period and used similar domes from the Byzantine era. Beginning in England, it slowly spread across Europe towards Italy.  During the Early Christian time period, there was not of lot of architecture/buildings, but now that religion was starting to become a bigger thing, churches were being created on the double!  Some grand buildings that were built include the leaning tower of Pisa.  Located in Italy, the leaning tower is one of the 4 buildings that make up the cathedral complex.  The first building out of this bunch that was created was the Cathedral or Duomo di Pisa which is a great example of the Romanesque Architecture because of all the semicircular domes and arches.  The next building was the baptistery.  Next being built, was the campanile or the leaning tower.  Finally, the cemetery or Campo Santo was built.   

Other buildings from this time period include all of the abbey churches. One of the most popular abbeys that was built was the Fontenay Abbey in Burgundy, France.  Established by St. Bernard, this building is rich  with Romanesque architecture that.  Now that there was as strong religious movement, abbeys were quite common and popular to practice in.  Before in the Early Christian time period, buildings were small and not fit for large meetings, now they designed more rooms for baptistery and for larger performances of monks. 
Other features from this time period include the deep, rich blues, purples, and golds to decorate spaces.  They also had rich tapestries , gold, silver, bronze chalices and all different beautiful stones. 
The Romanesque style has influenced until through this day, we can see in homes how it is exampled.
This is a more extravagant home built similar to the Romanesque style.  You can see examples of the semicircular arches and the stone in combination with the wood.
Another example of the in home arches inspired
by the Romanesque period.
Some nowadays styles of Romanesque furniture.
Some examples of furniture pieces from this time.
Churches were now allowed schooling and monasteries.
A new common thing built would be rows/pews for
people to group worship and practice religion.

A short video on Romanesque influence

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