Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Response to Romanesque

I read Kristina P's and Lindsay's blogs about the Romanesque period.  When I read Kristina's blog, I especially liked how she emphasized that churches were being built.  She described how the churches are really important to the people since they were very open with practicing their religion.  She also gave a really good description about the style of the churches and the interesting designs put into these.  I thought it was interesting how she compared this time period to the style of Hogwarts School from Harry Potter.  I never really thought that the building had a Romanesque style and it was an interesting way of looking at things.
In Lindsay's blog she put a good emphasis on the semicircular arch and how it was displayed in most of the buildings.  She gave good examples of where they can be seen today and also some cool residential designs with the grand semicircular arches. Overall, from this time period the semicircular arch was one of the biggest designs taken from this period.

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