Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ch.3 Ancient Rome

During the Ancient Rome period, there was the discovery of concrete.  Before this discovery, everything was built out of stone for the most part.  Now they were able to build even grander buildings than the Greeks were able to.  For example, the coliseum was one of the newer buildings that was made.  They also used pillars similar to the Greeks but were able to make greater detail.  One of the things I found most interesting about this time was that they were able to create great detail in the interior of ceilings.  They were also able to create giant domes around buildings.  Similar to the Greeks, they had very open homes, in Ancient Rome the villas were built so that there was a chair in the middle of home so the father could sit and watch everything going on.  Other than some of the furniture and homes, marble was a common new feature added.  They would have marble flooring, and tables.  Overall, the brought a lot of the old materials gained from the Greeks and discovered many brand new materials to create a new civilization.
Example of the interior in buildings:

Example of marble table:

How these are featured today:

We now also use marble for counter tops as well as tables.

Extra items:
This video shows a live model of a Roman Villa.

Response to Emily N's and Hannah's Blogs:
I love the way Emily N talked about how Rome discovered create, in my opinion that was one of the main features from this time,  She showed some good pictures connecting the stone with building developments from that time period.  Hannah's blog gave a great description of specific arts from this time period.  I love how she showed certain pieces of artwork and sculptures that were created.  She did not just show the buildings that were made.  Overall, both blogs were good descriptions of this time period.

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