Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ch.2 Ancient Egyptian

Ancient Egypt is mainly known for its great pyramids, while they were a main attraction gathered there are other patterns and features from this time period that we have stolen and carried on with us through today.  One of the main things we discussed were the loggias, loggias were rooms that had at least one side open to air.  They were a basis for the porches we know have in front of our houses.  Nowadays, we sometimes add a screen in front of the porch.  In addition to the loggias ancient Egyptians used many colors and paintings to decorate their homes.  They used wildlife details and intricate patterns.  We now see some of these patterns on ceilings in fancy buildings.  When building their homes, they used stone and brick.  We now use stone to build our houses and use the stone as decorative flooring.
Loggias(above) and stone walls(bottom) were two of my favorite ideas from this time.

Nowadays they look more like these:


Response to Alis and Arianas posts:
-It is awesome to be able to know past cultures and rulings and how they influenced the furniture designs and patterns we have today.   I liked how Ali brought up about the Kings and what kind of special furniture they had.  In Arianas post I liked the way she talked about the colors and how we brought royal blue, red, and gold into todays culture.  Overall, both of their posts were very good and interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I found it interesting comparing the way they built homes back then and now. We still sometimes use the same materials but when comparing your photos above, I realized how nowadays it looks way more visual appealing. The bricks sometimes create a pattern and there are a variety of sizes to make it more interesting. I think it is very cool though that materials used thousands of years ago to build homes, are still used today. Our world is changing and evolving so fast, that it's hard to believe we use ancient civilization ideas in our homes today. For example the loggias. I didn't know porches were created from the idea of loggias. It's very clear that having knowledge about the history of art is important, especially for design students.
