Friday, March 21, 2014

Italian Renaissance

The arts were ravishing through this time period.  Everyone whether you were poor or rich, was intrigued by the arts.  Sculptures, writing, painting, architecture and pretty much every other kind of art was studied.  The styles were a remake of Greek and Roman architecture, but with Gothic and Romanesque interior styles.  Some of the art from this time was extravagant.  Michelangelo was discovered during this time with his sculptures and painting done in the Sistine Chapel.

Also during this time period, the style went from safety to comfort, convenience, and style.  People were more interested in how the furniture and interiors looked rather than the structure.  The furniture had lots of detail and moldings on it.  The arches and doorways were extravagant as well flourishing into elaborate ceilings. One of the most popular types of homes was the Palazzo. Which included fireplaces, tapestries, and frescoes on the interiors.  The Palazzo included living spaces on the 2nd and 3rd floors, while a shop was on the first floor similar to the Roman insula. 
As you can tell by this picture, homes are still similar to the Palazzo.  People usually own shops on the first floor and live on top of them. 

Some furniture types from this time period:
sgabello chair

modern day sgabellos might look like bar stools
Modern Day Dante Chair

Dante Chair:
Another interior living room or dining room
Interior of a living room or office

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